IIT Madras develops NeoStand, customisable electric standing wheelchair – ET HealthWorld

IIT Madras develops NeoStand, customisable electric standing wheelchair – ET HealthWorld

Chennai: The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has developed India’s most customisable electric standing wheelchair, which has been developed indigenously for the benefit of wheelchair users. The ‘NeoStand’ was launched at the campus in the presence of Prof V Kamakoti, Director, IIT Madras, eminent dignitaries, generous supporters of this project, faculty, researchers and … Read more

Face-masks, social distancing & ramped up vaccinations at 10 million doses a day crucial now: Dr Gagandeep Kang

covid19 vaccine

It is not as if there are supply challenges, at least at the moment. (File Photo) India has hit a new high in terms of the rising viral caseload and with new variants and double mutations of the virus occurring, the hope seems only now on a much more speeded up vaccination drive and more … Read more