Biden’s China tariffs are the end of an era for cheap Chinese goods

Biden’s China tariffs are the end of an era for cheap Chinese goods

For the first two decades of the 21st century, many consumer products on America’s store shelves got less expensive. A wave of imports from China and other emerging economies helped push down the cost of video games, T-shirts, dining tables, home appliances and more. Those imports drove some American factories out of business, and they … Read more

US tariffs on China ruled to be illegal by world trade body


GENEVA: The World Trade Organization said Tuesday that Trump administration tariffs on Chinese goods totaling more than $200 billion are illegal under the rules of the global trade body. The decision marks the first time the Geneva-based trade body has ruled against a series of tariffs that President Donald Trump‘s administration has imposed on a … Read more

CAIT presents over 10,000 rakhis for Indian soldiers to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh


NEW DELHI: Traders’ body CAIT on Saturday presented more than 10,000 rakhis to Defence Minister Rajnath Singh designed by women entrepreneurs for Indian soldiers posted at borders with China and Pakistan, amid its campaign for boycott of Chinese goods. The rakhis handed over to Singh included ‘Modi Rakhi‘ made in Delhi. “The rakhis handed over … Read more