Despite flyovers, underpasses, traffic still remains chaotic at LB Nagar junction

Despite flyovers, underpasses, traffic still remains chaotic at LB Nagar junction

Traffic chaos is the order of the day in LB Nagar. | Photo Credit: Swathi Vadlamudi LB Nagar junction continues to be a chaotic place where traffic slows down enormously every day despite the construction of several structures under the Strategic Road Development Plan (SRDP). Construction of two flyovers on either side of the Hyderabad … Read more

Trump, Biden Face Off in Chaotic First Debate

Trump, Biden Face Off in Chaotic First Debate

Sept. 30, 2020 — President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden took the stage in Cleveland, OH, on Tuesday night in the first of three debates, talking over each other and the moderator on topics ranging from the Affordable Care Act, the coronavirus pandemic, and climate change, to racism and social unrest. … Read more