AI identifies oncogenes in cancer cells, could help deliver personalised cancer treatments: Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

AI identifies oncogenes in cancer cells, could help deliver personalised cancer treatments: Study, Health News, ET HealthWorld

London: Researchers have leveraged artificial intelligence (AI) technology to identify genes critical to a cancer cell’s survival, and could help deliver personalised cancer patient treatments, according to a new study. They analysed different types of cancer cells to understand different gene dependencies for identifying the genes, the study said. Researchers at the University of Sussex, … Read more

Vaping Can Trigger Gene Changes in Cells

Vaping Can Trigger Gene Changes in Cells

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Dec.2, 2021 (HealthDay News) — For those who think vaping is safer than smoking, think again. A new study warns that vaping triggers the same gene regulation changes that smoking does, so it may raise the risk of cancer and other serious diseases. “Our study, for the first time, investigates … Read more

A Quest to Learn How Immune Cells Age

A Quest to Learn How Immune Cells Age

Nov. 12, 2021 — A key risk factor for severe COVID-19 is age, in part because the immune response weakens as we get older. But our understanding of this effect of age remains hazy, as the immune system is one of the most complex systems in the human body. In the hope of clearing some … Read more

Fuel Cells in Brain Can Also Release Damaging Toxins

Fuel Cells in Brain Can Also Release Damaging Toxins

Oct. 25, 2021 — Star-shaped cells in our brains called astrocytes play a crucial role in helping us think, move, and breathe. They nourish our neurons, the cells that transmit messages throughout our brain and nervous system to control our bodily functions. A new study in mice suggests that astrocytes also may play a negative … Read more

Euro 2020: Man missed England win to donate stem cells

Euro 2020: Man missed England win to donate stem cells

“Sam has shown us all what a true hero he really is, by putting his own once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see England play at Wembley aside, to give someone with blood cancer or a blood disorder their best chance at survival and we simply cannot thank him enough,” Anthony Nolan Trust’s chief executive Henny Braund said. … Read more

Zombie Genes Spur Brain Cells to Grow After Death

Zombie Genes Spur Brain Cells to Grow After Death

By Cara MurezHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, March 26, 2021 (HealthDay News) — When people die some cells in their brains go on for hours, even getting more active and growing to gargantuan proportions, new research shows. Awareness of this activity, spurred on by “zombie genes,” could affect research into diseases that affect the brain. For the … Read more

Cells That Drive Diabetes Seen in Healthy People

Cells That Drive Diabetes Seen in Healthy People

By Cara Roberts Murez HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Oct. 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Scientists knew that dangerous T-cells lived in the pancreases of people with type 1 diabetes, but a new study shows they also take up residence in the pancreases of healthy individuals. Researchers from the La Jolla Institute for … Read more