Visit India’s most iconic bakeries making traditional Christmas cakes

Visit India’s most iconic bakeries making traditional Christmas cakes

Not all plum cakes are created equal — some are redolent with warm notes of cinnamon and nutmeg, some have a touch of honey, and some boast a cornucopia of dry fruits from across the world. Travel with us through iconic bakeries across India to sample time-tested, local Christmas cake recipes. And yes, they deliver. … Read more

Chindi Varadarajulu of Pumpkin Tales launches the panettone for Christmas 2023

Chindi Varadarajulu of Pumpkin Tales launches the panettone for Christmas 2023

The panettone at Pumpkin Tales | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement There is a tense silence in the kitchen as Chef Mirko Tognetti lifts his knife. He slices through the fluffy panettone, fragrant with the scent of oranges and studded with plump raisins, in a single swipe then leans in to inspect it carefully. “It’s getting better,” … Read more

Chindi Varadarajulu of Pumpkin Tales launches the panettone for Christmas 2022

Chindi Varadarajulu of Pumpkin Tales launches the panettone for Christmas 2022

The panettone at Pumpkin Tales | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement There is a tense silence in the kitchen as Chef Mirko Tognetti lifts his knife. He slices through the fluffy panettone, fragrant with the scent of oranges and studded with plump raisins, in a single swipe then leans in to inspect it carefully. “It’s getting better,” … Read more

England’s new Covid alert system explained… with cake


A new three-tier system is being introduced in England to help control the spread of coronavirus and prevent the NHS from being overwhelmed. Regions will now be classified as either ‘medium’, ‘high’ or ‘very high’ and each tier has different lockdown rules. This system does not apply in Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales. But what … Read more