‘’Wild animals have no boundaries’‘

‘’Wild animals have no boundaries’‘

The Minister for Forests, Ecology and Environment Eshwar B. Khandre has said that wild animals have no State boundaries and follow their natural path in quest of fodder and prey. Speaking to media persons here on Saturday the Minister said that an elephant which was radio collared in Karnataka had crossed over to Kerala and had … Read more

Boundaries could be demarcated within next one or two meetings: Bhutan PM on talks with China

Boundaries could be demarcated within next one or two meetings: Bhutan PM on talks with China

Bhutan hopes to complete the demarcation of territories with China within “one or two meetings”, said Bhutanese Prime Minister Lotay Tshering, indicating a resolution of boundary issues with Beijing could be expected soon. In an interview he gave to a Belgian newspaper during a recent visit to Brussels, Dr. Tshering also said that Bhutan is … Read more

Karnataka-Maharashtra dispute | Invisible boundaries, visible apathy

Karnataka-Maharashtra dispute | Invisible boundaries, visible apathy

Parthenahalli village, located on the Karnataka-Maharashtra border, is the last large settlement on the Athani-Jath road before the crossover into Gugwad village in Maharashtra. The signboards of shops in these villages are in both Kannada and Marathi. Sadashiv Jadhav runs a plant nursery in a portion of his three-acre sugar cane farm. He has one … Read more

Invisible boundaries, visible apathy

Invisible boundaries, visible apathy

The boundary disputes between Karnataka and Maharashtra go back decades and continue to flare up every now and then. Rishikesh Bahadur Desai travels to the border areas and finds that livelihood issues overweigh linguistic concerns even as politics continues to play out in multiple ways Source link

How to Handle a Relationship With Someone Who Has Borderline Personality Disorder

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People who live with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have a hard time regulating their emotions, which can be very intense, and handling stress. This can lead them to lash out at the people in their lives. As a result, they often have turbulent relationships that are as hard for the other people in them as … Read more

How to Deal With Your Controlling Mother

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You’re an adult with your own career, home, and maybe some children. Does your mother still try to control your life and every decision you make? You can set boundaries with a controlling parent without damaging your relationship, experts say. “I think the key to having a controlling parent is to have kindness and boundaries … Read more