Police lathi-charge on farmers in Karnal triggers protests in Punjab, opposition attack on Manohar Lal Khattar govt


Farmers in Punjab blocked highways for two hours on Sunday in protest against the police lathi-charge on their Haryana counterparts as the neighbouring state government defended the police action, which a farm union alleged led to one death. Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday defended the police action against protesting farmers in Karnal, … Read more

There was nothing new in PM Modi’s speech on MSP today: Farmer unions


NEW DELHI: The farmer unions leading the agitation against the three central farm laws said they were not satisfied with the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s assurance on minimum support price (MSP) and his appeal to them to end the agitation and resolve the matter with talks. The Sanyukt Kisan Morcha, the umbrella body of 40 … Read more

At Singhu border, Rakesh Tikait’s cutouts, posters & badges of farmers stir draw crowd


NEW DELHI: The demand for cutouts of Rakesh Tikait at Singhu border underlines the growing popularity of the farmer leader credited with reviving the farmers movement against the Centre’s farm laws following violence during a tractor rally on Republic Day. Roadside stalls selling badges, posters and other literature related to the farmers stir are a … Read more

Former police constable to farm hero, Rakesh Tikait is the cynosure of many eyes, not just farmers


His tears exercised an emotive pull even he may not have envisaged, helping turn the tide for a movement that seemed to have lost both sheen and momentum after the violence on Republic Day. It was but a moment in time and Rakesh Tikait was the man in it. He was once a Delhi Police … Read more

Farmer unions do not wish to be impleaded in ongoing case in Supreme Court: BKU president Balbir Singh Rajewal


NEW DELHI: Bharatiya Kisan Union president Balbir Singh Rajewal said on Wednesday that farmer unions did not wish to be impleaded in the ongoing case in the Supreme Court and wished that the court should not discuss legal points about the farm laws as the matter could then stretch for long. Speaking from the protest … Read more