Emotional Support Animals for MS

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SOURCES: Kate Zerbi, MS patient, Denver. Lauri Frenkel, founder, A Pet’s Purpose, Madison, GA. American Kennel Club: “Everything You Need to Know About Emotional Support Animals,” “Service Dogs 101 — Everything You Need to Know.” U.S. Department of Transportation: “Traveling by Air with Service Animals.” Humane Society: “Travel safely with your pet by car, airplane, … Read more

Which Animals Most Vulnerable to COVID Infection?

TUESDAY, Dec. 15, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Humans, ferrets, cats, civets and dogs are the animals most susceptible to infection with the new coronavirus, researchers say. The analysis of 10 species also found that ducks, rats, mice, pigs and chickens were less or not susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 infection. “Knowing which animals are susceptible … Read more

Want to read your dog’s mind? Japan’s boom in weird wearable tech | CNN

Want to read your dog’s mind? Japan’s boom in weird wearable tech | CNN

Story highlights Japan’s innovative wearable devices includes Archelis, a “standing” chair designed for surgeons. Tokyo’s first Wearable Expo debuted in 2015 and was largest in the world. Japan’s wearable tech market is predicted to grow from 530,000 in 2013 to 13.1 million units in 2017. CNN  —  What do Discman, Tamagotchi, and Game Boy have … Read more