Maximizing travel for less will be the new normal: Booking site’s research shows how Indians will travel


64 percent of travellers are keen to look out for savings and promotions. COVID-19 has transformed how Indians will decide their travel plans, be it domestic or international. While Indian travellers are keen to adapt to the ‘new normal’, the parameters for decision making on the different aspects related to travel and accommodation is set … Read more

Tourists flock to Mussoorie: Long weekend getaways are back, so are hill destinations


For hotels and restaurants in Mussoorie and Nainital, there is a clear upsurge in bookings by domestic travellers who are looking to get away from their homes and enjoy Nature’s scenic landscapes. (Photo source: IE) Mussoorie, known as the Queen of Hills, is bursting with travellers once again after more than six months! Known for … Read more

What will travel be like in 2021? Airbnb reveals top 3 travel trends for 2021

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The COVID-19 impact is expected to gradually lessen though safety protocols continue to be a key criteria. Airbnb latest travel survey: What will travel be like in 2021? Look no further as Airbnb has revealed new trends for the year 2021! Given how COVID-19 has tossed out most travel plans for people in 2020, Airbnb … Read more

Airbnb bans parties, caps occupancy at 16 in COVID-19 fight


Airbnb has also updated its policies in light of the pandemic, removing both the “event friendly” search filter and “parties and events allowed” house rules. (Representational image) No more parties and events in homes listed on Airbnb, the short-term home rental company said on Thursday as it tries to enforce strict social-distancing norms to fight … Read more