World Environment Day: Time to act is now or never!

World Environment Day: the health of our environmental is critical for the survival all living beings. In order for us to survive and ensure our future, humans must understand that without a sustainable environment, we cannot survive. The concept of World Environment Day began on a warm June in Stockholm, Sweden, 50 years ago as a way to create awareness of the environment. Since then, June 5 has been designated as World Environment Day by the United Nations (WED). Various activities are conducted, such as tree-planting drives or beach-cleaning drives, as a call to action to restore the environment. The goal is to promote awareness and action for the protection of our environment worldwide. 

Every individual needs to start taking steps, no matter how small or large they are. One small step can make a big difference in the future of our planet.  “Ecosystem sustainability should be the primary goal of every individual who is engaged in resource utilization and development. Every component of the environment needs time to replenish, and hence, environmental protection and conservation are to be practiced in every human action. It is the prime duty of youth to have a bigger impact by adopting eco-friendly options like electric vehicles instead of conventional fossil-fuel-consuming automobiles that perpetually release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

 It is high time we turned to clean and green energy. Every tech should try to be a “green tech” to bring more sustainable solutions into the limelight. It is not just about you, but also about society, the environment, and future generations having equal access to the planet’s natural resources. Assure, that every tree is taken care of and accompanied by hundreds more in an individual’s lifetime.

Our Young minds have the health, will, and enthusiasm to become aware of the disaster happening around us and take action to save them from it. It is important that we make it fun and educational at the same time for everyone. There is no us without the environment and this is a red alert for us to start acting to save the environment.” said Amit Singh , Founder of TelioEV – Electric Vehicles (EV) charging network provider

The theme of World Environment Day 2022 is ‘Only One Earth’. The theme will work to promote worldwide activism to safeguard our planet with the focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature”.

 “The battle for protecting the environment has now spread to nearly every sector. With the success of electrical vehicles and renewable energy technologies in the past few years,  we have seen that we need both policy and innovation to build clean energy industries. A lot of discussions are happening now on green hydrogen, and how it can be used to decarbonize heavy industries. We need a similar but more scalable approach here. Countries need to follow global and local strategies learning from some of the past successes. More green innovation funds should be launched with a specific focus on research and technology innovation in new areas of focus, like green hydrogen. Large corporations must come forward to support Green entrepreneurship and grand challenges to mobilize innovators and technical talent in countries like India. Educators, schools, universities,  and education policymakers can play a big role in providing a bottom-up approach. We cannot ignore youth and need to get them involved in the fight against climate change. Without a mindset shift, attitudinal changes, and developing of the right skills in the future workforce, the goal of a net-zero carbon economy by the year 2050 cannot be achieved”  said Manav Subodh- Managing Director of 1M1B ( One Million for One Billion) Foundation.

 “We all know the impact of changing climate on both people and our planet – one we need to preserve, come what may.  Water, soil and biodiversity are key elements of nature which are severely impacted by different sectors – industry, mining and agriculture. It’s time that we took drastic measures for the protection and regeneration of these essential resources, for human as well as environmental sustainability. By protecting our water, soil and biodiversity, we ensure that they are harnessed to sustain current human needs, whilst regenerating to fulfill the needs of generations to come.  In the rural context, Watershed Development is one proven way to tackle all these elements at once and create sustainable communities. At the end of the day, whatever natural resources we have inherited are being exploited at the cost of our children and grandchildren – it’s our duty to course-correct, and we must do it now” added Ms Pearl Tiwari, Director & CEO, Ambuja Cement Foundation

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