Prevention tips for skin problem in summer season

By Dr Vinod Kumar Sharma

Your skin requires extra attention and care during summer. With a few simple steps like cleansing and moisturizing, staying hydrated and using sunscreen, you can protect your skin from the harmful effects of the sun and heat. It will be good for your skin if you can avoid sun exposure between 10 am and 3 pm. Wear protective clothing and choose fabric that won’t itch, scratch or overheat (preferably cotton). Wear a hat to protect your facial skin and wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. Avoid makeup and spraying perfume on your skin as they can permanently stain your skin when they react with the sun. Make sure that you assess your skincare products and makeup carefully before using them. Drink plenty of water as dehydration results in dry skin, frown lines, spots and lack of glow. Also, eat plenty of green vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C. A diet rich in antioxidants will help to ensure a healthy and glowing skin.

How to prevent your skin from heat?

1. Select a sunscreen that suits your skin type. In case the sunscreen triggers sensitivities or rashes or breakouts. It is also important to check the SPF (Sun Protection Factor). It indicates the length of time you can stay in the sun. The harmful UV (ultraviolet) rays of the sun can cause extreme damage to your skin and cause issues such as hyper pigmentation, sunburns, cancer, etc. Therefore, be it indoors or outdoors, never forget to apply sunscreen.

2. People with oily skin should avoid using SPF higher than 20. It overloads your skin with chemicals to oil it. Use water-based moisturisers for oily and acne-prone skin, Salicylic acid-based face cleansers are also good for you.

Foods for best skincare

1. One of the most effective ways to keep our body temperature down in hot weather is to keep ourselves hydrated—drink enough water and eat fruits and vegetables with high moisture content,” “Squashes, cold drinks and packaged fruit juices are best avoided as these are loaded with sugar, preservatives and additives, which will only lead to more dehydration and a further drop in energy levels.

2. Never neglect a healthy nutritious diet. It is crucial to maintain a healthy and youthful skin. Stay away from inflammatory foods such as excessive oil, dairy and opt for plenty of fruits and vegetables.

3. Some of the best foods which keeps you hydrated and away from summer heat is Lemon, Cucumber, Raw Mango, Sattu, ButterMilk, Watermelon, Papaya, Tomato etc.

Consult your Dermatologist

1. While these summer skin problems can dampen your fun, they’re usually not serious. Most go away in a few days to a few weeks. If a rash or other skin problem lingers or worsens, you should go to consult dermatologist

2. Be well prepared by taking the discussed precautionary steps or get ready with the remedies in hand before that scorching summer shows off its ill effects on your skin.

(The author is HOD – Dermatologist, Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida. The article is for informational purposes only. Please consult medical experts and health professionals before starting any therapy, medication and/or remedy. Views expressed are personal and do not reflect the official position or policy of Financial Express Online.)

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