Looking for life partners on matrimonial sites: 5 mistakes to avoid

Here are a few mistakes one must avoid while creating a matrimonial profile.

By Salman Sarwer

Matrimonial sites have replaced the old age matchmaking methods and still have more and more people joining every day. It is far easier to create a profile and approach people that matches yours than clinging to old cumbersome ways. Since the profile will be the primary window to introduce oneself to a prospective partner, it is essential to create a well-disposed profile. Here are a few mistakes one must avoid while creating a matrimonial profile.

Boastfulness: One of the key points to keep in mind while creating a profile is to come across as humble. Many people who attempt to appear qualified and desirable end up making rather boastful statements. This can turn away people from approaching them as they might find you intimidating or narcissistic. Use simple adjectives to describe yourself and avoid appearing as perfect.

Ostentatious Pictures: Pictures have a heavy impact on first impressions. Most profiles are handled by parents or siblings use clear pictures without filters. Avoid bold or flamboyant images as they may make one look insincere and pompous.

Concealing Basic Info: Mentioning basic information makes one look authentic. Hidden basic information about oneself gives the profile an obscure look. People may refrain from approaching such a profile as it does not appear genuine.

Impractical Expectations: Certain expectations are preferred in a partner but, one must understand that no one is perfect. Stating unrealistic expectations in partner preference is offputting for most people. Have practical expectations and be straightforward use simple language to describe expectations.

Tedious Descriptions: Going into lengthy sentences and using fancy words to describe might only bore the reader and have the opposite effect of what one is trying to achieve. Describe yourself in a short paragraph using easily comprehensive language.

In short, create a simple profile and come across as easygoing and approachable. Hope these tips help your matrimonial endeavors and help you find your most suitable spouse.

(The author is CEO & Co-Founder at Corporate Marriage Bureau. Views expressed are personal and not necessarily those of FinancialExpress.com.)

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