Kerala to focus on long-haul travellers, caravan tourism

The state has also launched a major initiative to open up the whole of the state for tourists in a sustainable manner without disturbing the ecology.

Kerala is preparing itself for hosting long-haul travellers with new ideas and products like caravan tourism, going beyond the existing bouquet of offerings like beaches and backwaters. The idea is to attract travellers and vacationers of all ages, tastes and from across the world to the ‘God’s own country’.

“In a paradigm shift from one-stop location-specific approach, Kerala has firmly marked itself as a destination for extended holidays for all segments of visitors with a bouquet of diverse experiences stacked across the state like homestays, drive holidays, ‘Change of Air’ based wellness vacations and adventure tourism activities,” Kerala Tourism director V R Krishna Teja, said on Tuesday.

The state has also launched a major initiative to open up the whole of the state for tourists in a sustainable manner without disturbing the ecology and cultural milieu of the destinations by partnering with the local communities and civic institutions.

The state will market its products in different fora, both inside and outside the country, to introduce the new products to a wider audience. Various media is also being leveraged.

The lifting of the pandemic-induced travel restrictions will certainly lure travellers from both inside the country and outside, Krishna Teja said.

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