Coronavirus in Punjab: Harsher curbs to be imposed, CM asks PM to review vaccination strategy

The CM said that the recent surge of Coronavirus cases was on account of lax behaviour on the part of people along with the opening of schools and colleges in the state..

With the Coronavirus situation in Punjab getting worse, state Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh has told Prime Minister Narendra Modi that the state would take harsher steps to rein in the rising Covid-19 tally in the state from today. According to an Indian Express report, Singh is believed to have told PM Modi that the government has already formulated a policy and it will be implemented starting from today.

Mentioning various steps which have already been taken by the state, Singh told the PM that curbs have been imposed on the number of people attending indoor and outdoor events along with the enforcement of night curfew in as many as nine districts of the state. While the number of people who can attend an indoor function is 100, that for attending outdoor functions is 200 respectively. The night curfew in nine districts has been imposed from 11 PM to 5 AM with instructions issued to other states to assess the situation at ground level. The number of challans issued by the state police has also increased recently as police officials are imposing fines on people who are not complying with the Coronavirus guidelines. On the vaccination front, the government is ensuring that all health workers have been vaccinated and those who have not got the shot are tested weekly for Coronavirus.

With daily positivity rate climbing to above 5 percent and having over 12000 active Coronavirus patients in the state, the CM urged PM Modi to review the Covid-19 vaccination strategy and make arrangements for the vaccination of persons in all age groups in selected areas which are reporting a large number of cases. The CM also said that an occupation specific vaccination strategy which prioritises teachers, students, bus drivers, bus conductors could also bring the super-spreader events of Coronavirus down.

Punjab which was registering a positivity rate of about 1 percent in January has seen a sudden spike in the number of new Coronavirus cases with the daily positivity rate climbing to five times in March. The CM said that the recent surge of Coronavirus cases was on account of lax behaviour on the part of people along with the opening of schools and colleges in the state..

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