Woman held for killing landlady to rob her valuables

The Kengeri police cracked the murder case of 36-year-old woman and arrested her tenant who allegedly strangled her landlady to death to rob her valuables while she was at home along with her two-year-old child.

The accused Monika, a native of Kolar works as a data entry operator at a private firm and was a tenant at Divya’s house in Konasandra for the past two months. She had introduced her male friend as her husband who was a driver by profession and used to visit her house often.

Investigations revealed that Monika was caught in a debt trap and was also planning to buy a goods vehicle for her male friend to start his own business.

With no option to get the money, she allegedly zeroed in on Divya and decided to kill her and rob her valuables. Monika allegedly kept a watch on her routine. For most parts of the day, Divya was alone as her husband Gurumurthy owner of a saloon used to go to work early in the morning and return home late.

As per the plan, the accused allegedly gained entry while Divya was busy with her daily chores and strangled her to death, before robbing her 36 grams of gold chain. The accused later returned home and hid the gold chain. Gurumurthy who returned from work noticed the Divya was lying dead and alerted the police.

The police who initiated a probe questioned Monika who misled the police stating that she was having a bath and kept to herself in the house. She also told the police that two people had come to ask for the house on rent. The police however crossed checked the information and verified the CCTV footage to find that there were no visitors and that Monika was lying.

The police picked up Monika for questioning and a detailed probe led her to confess to the crime, police said. Based on the confession, the police recovered the gold chain and further investigating to ascertain the involvement of Monika’s male friend .

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