Two family-run parties halting Telangana’s progress: Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Telangana BJP president G. Kishan Reddy during the public meeting in Mahbubnagar district on Sunday.
| Photo Credit: Special Arranegement

Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday that the progress and development of Telangana has been “halted by two family-run parties mired in corruption and commissions” and everyone is aware that the “steering of the government’s car here is in somebody else’s hands”.

Without taking names of the parties or leaders, Mr. Modi said that these political parties have been converted into “private limited companies where all the big posts like president, CEO, director and treasurer, among others, are held by family members while outsiders are taken as support staff”.

“It is a party of the family, by the family and for the family, with no big decisions taken without the family’s consent. But, for the BJP, common people are important and our focus is to improve the lives and living standards of everyone in the country,” he said, addressing a public meeting in Mahabubnagar on Sunday.

Earlier, the PM had participated in an official function where several road and rail projects were launched and commissioned virtually.

‘BRS, Cong. losing sleep’

Starting with “Palamuru Pajalandaraki Namaskaramulu”, he repeatedly addressed the crowd as “Na Kutumba Sabyulara” (my family members) in Telugu. The PM, clearly enthused by the response, said that he was indebted to the love and affection being showered on him and remarked that the Congress and BRS “will lose their sleep” on noticing the reception accorded to him.

“People of Telangana have been supporting BJP for the last few elections, and want a corruption-free government that works on the field and not make empty promises. Farmers, youths, and women have faith in Modi’s guarantees as they know whatever is promised, will be done. It is apparent, they are keen on change,” he claimed.

The Prime Minister accused the State government of ‘cheating’ farmers in the name of loan waiver and irrigation projects leading to suicides. “It is a matter of regret that farmers’ schemes and irrigation projects have become sources of corruption with not a single drop of water reaching them,” he said.

“We are not in power here, but we tried our best by reviving the Ramagundam fertilizer plant and giving financial assistance through the PM Kisan Sanman Yojana,” he said. The Centre has recognised farmers’ work and ensured financial support increased to ₹27,000 crore annually from ₹3,400 crore in 2014 with money going straight into their accounts without middlemen, he added.

“Women in Telangana are aware that they have a brother sitting in Delhi and thinking about their well-being by building lakhs of toilets, giving loans to vendors without any guarantee, and free gas connections. Women supported me and I ensured the quota bill is passed in Parliament giving them more voice,” he remarked.

“Telangana is known for its heritage, culture and handicrafts and it has been acknowledged across the world. I had presented a gift made of Bidri craft to the South African President. We need to promote artisans and most of them are from weaker sections, so the PM Vishwakarma Yojana has been launched to provide them modern tools and new markets,” he said.

“The BJP is committed to TS’ development and had taken up 2,500 km of national highways’ construction in the last nine years at an estimated cost of ₹1.10 lakh crore, doubling the distance since 2014. We will keep at it till every village and town is connected to the highways as every section, including farmers, should get the benefit,” he said.

Earlier, Mr. Modi had received a rousing reception as he entered the public meeting venue in an open vehicle with flowers being showered on him and party cadre chanting his name.

Rajya Sabha MP K. Laxman translated his Hindi speech into Telugu. National vice-president D.K. Aruna presented him a shawl and memento. TS BJP president and Union Tourism Minister G. Kishan Reddy and others were present.

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