Tamil Nadu: ‘Dead’ man kept in freezer box by kin rescued alive by cops day later

In a bizarre incident, a 74-year-old man, presumed dead by his family who kept his body inside a freezer box overnight, was found to be alive the next day.

The family of Balasubramania Kumar of Kandhampatti in Salem district of Tamil Nadu reportedly placed his body in a freezer box on Monday. The man was, however, rescued by police on Tuesday after they were alerted by the makers of the freezer company that the man was still breathing, as per a report in The News Minute.

The man has been admitted to a government hospital in Salem for treatment.


Balasubramania Kumar, who lived with his 70-year-old younger brother Saravanan and his sister’s daughter Geetha, was bedridden for the past two months.

Saravanan said on October 12, he presumed that his brother Balasubramania had died and so he called for a freezer box to place the body, the report added.

The relatives also arrived by Tuesday afternoon.

The staff of the freezer company also arrived to take back the box. To their shock, they saw that the man inside the freezer box was still breathing. It is then the police were alerted and Balasubramania was rescued, the TNM report added.


Confirming the incident, Sooramangalam sub-Inspector Rajasekaran told TNM that relatives asked for the freezer box saying Balasubramania had died on Monday.

“It was only the next evening when the freezer company people came to collect it around 7 to 8 pm, they found out that the man inside was still alive. We are trying to establish what happened. He surely could not have been kept in the freezer box for all that time the box was in the house,” the cop was quoted as saying by TNM.

Meanwhile, police have registered a case against Balasubramania’s family members under Section 287 (negligent conduct to endanger human life) and 336 (act endangering life or personal safety of others) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).

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