SSLC exam results | Identical marks for twin sisters in Mysuru

The management of Marimallappa’s High School in Mysuru congratulating the toppers of the SSLC examination, on May 9, 2024.
| Photo Credit: M A Sriram

It was a happy moment for Anjali Shastri and Aditi Shastri of Marimallappa’s High School in Mysuru as the twin sisters scored identical marks in the SSLC examination. The results of the class 10 exam-1 were announced on May 9.

The twins scored 619 marks out of 625, drawing appreciation from the school management. They were felicitated along with other toppers of the school. School Secretary K.N. Panchakshara Swamy and the school authorities congratulated the students on their achievement.

The twin sisters are residents of Agrahara. Their friends expressed happiness on their success, and were especially thrilled about the duo scoring the same marks.

R. Bhumika is the top scorer of the school. She scored 621 marks in the examination.

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