Parents urged to remain vigilant against child sexual abuse during vacation

Childline officials in the district have urged parents to remain vigilant against sexual abuse of children during the summer vacation. They said over 70% of sexual abuses against children took place during vacations.

Childline district coordinator Anvar Karakkadan said here on Saturday that each parent should ensure that there was no opportunity in their home for the abuse of children. “Encourage your child to open up about the happenings of the day before going to bed,” he said.

He said parents should encourage their children to communicate freely with them and should never stay away from reporting any untoward incident. “If you find anything suspicious, do not hesitate to call Childline at 1098 or the local police,” he said.

In a guideline issued to parents, the Childline asked them to be aware of the activities of children and the people they interact with. Parents have been asked to observe the behaviour of adults who spend time with their children. One should be alert if adults are giving money or gifts to children without there being any specific occasion.

Childline has asked parents to tell their children that it is perfectly fine to say ‘no’ to elders when they demand kisses, embracement, and other signs of excessive care and love.

Parents have been warned against creating situations where they leave their children either alone or in the custody of others. “As far as possible, never leave your children with others,” said Mr. Karakkadan.

Childline also advised parents to avoid circumstances in which children are made to sit along with elders for long. “Teach your children how to take care of their body. And teach them what is good touch and what is bad touch.”

Parents have also been asked to keep an eye on the online activities of children. “Children should be made aware of digital security aspects.” They should be taught that whatever they post on the internet would not be removed easily even if they deleted them, he said.

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