Minor girl goes missing

A minor girl belonging to the Dalit community has gone missing from her residence at Hittal Shiroor village in Aland taluk of Kalaburagi district and there has been no breakthrough in the case ever after three weeks.

According to the victim’s mother Sharanamma Doddamani, their 14-year-old daughter Pavitra, a class VIII student, went to school like any other day on February 24 but did not return home.

Pavitra was staying with her grandmother in Hittal Shiroor village. She lost her father 14 years ago and her mother Sharanamma has migrated to Bengaluru to work as daily wage labourer.

Vasant Kumsi, Dalit Sena president of Nimbarga Circle, alleged that the police have failed to respond to the victim’s family, though she went missing on February 24. The Nimbarga police registered the case four days after the incident, on February 28. The police said that investigations are on.

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