Minister promises IBM all support to expand activities in Kerala

Within eight months of IBM Labs launching its operations in Kochi, the company has made 750 new appointments, said a communication from the Public Relations department citing IBM senior vice-president Dinesh Nirmal, who met Industries Minister P. Rajeeve here. The Minister promised the IBM official full support for expanding the company’s activities in Kerala.

The communication from the government also claimed that IBM expressed satisfaction at the atmosphere prevailing in the State. The company has been able to make recruitments to meet its requirements from campuses in the State, the communication added.

Several important projects are being implemented through IMB units in Kerala. This will pave the way for turning Kerala into an important global centre for the company, said Mr. Nirmal. IBM is ready to impart skill training to students at the college level. The company has plans to step up cooperation with Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala Technology University and Kerala Digital University.

IBM opened its development centre in Kochi in September 2022 where work is progressing on hybrid cloud and artificial intelligence among other areas. Mr. Rajeeve said that the presence of IBM will help Kerala attract more companies to the State.

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