Mandya: Panel to hand over cash seized in polls to owners

The committee constituted by the Deputy Commissioner, Mandya for releasing the cash seized during the enforcement of the model code of conduct in the run-up to the elections to Mandya Lok Sabha constituency has convened its meeting in Mandya on Friday at 11 a.m.

The meeting will be held at the Zilla Panchayat office.

A press release said here that the cash seized by the Flying Squads and Static Surveillance Teams, and the Police Personnel during surveillance at the check posts and other places was in the custody of the respective treasuries of the district and the taluks.

Zilla Panchayat CEO Sheikh Tanveer Asif said the committee will take a decision on returning the cash to those from whom it was seized only after ascertaining that the cash was not meant for any political reasons and owners submit the relevant documents to prove their argument.

After confirmation that the cash was not used for any political reasons, cash will be returned to the respective owners, said Mr. Asif, also the chairman of cash release committee.

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