KTR assures job to widow of Saifuddin killed in Jaipur-Mumbai superfast express

Minister for Municipal Administration K.T. Rama Rao has assured that the State government will provide a job to the widow of Syed Saifuddin, who was shot dead on the Jaipur-Mumbai superfast express by RPF constable Chetan Singh on July 31.

The Minister, who is also the BRS working president, said that ₹2 lakh each would be deposited in the name of the daughters of the deceased on behalf of the BRS. In addition, the government would provide a double bedroom house to the family.

Mr. Rama Rao was replying to a Zero Hour mention made by MIM Floor leader Akbaruddin Owaisi about the tragic incident which severely affected Saifuddin’s family.

Mr. Akbaruddin expressed concern over the efforts by some forces trying to create differences between communities in the name of religion and wanted the ruling party and the government to resist any such attempts. Providing assistance to Saifuddin’s family would send a proper signal outside about the communal harmony that was prevailing in Telangana, he said.

Responding to the request, Mr. Rama Rao said that it was a serious incident that happened in Rajasthan and people knew about the perpetrators of similar violence in States like Manipur and Haryana. “We will provide employment to the wife of the deceased in either GHMC or HMDA and also deposit the amount. We will set an example for the rest of the country by our fight against communal forces by doing so,” he said.

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