Exclusive: It’s no-holds-barred at bars amid Covid pandemic

Patrons can be seen flooding nightclubs across India sans social distancing and maskless. (Photo: India Today)

Many nightclubs in cities across India appear to be offering a perfect setting for the new coronavirus to prey on as cavalier guests hit the dancefloor in tight quarters — of course without masks!


“Bars are a really important place of the spreading of infection. There’s no doubt about that,” warned Dr Anthony Fauci, America’s top virus expert, last month. “And that becomes particularly important if you happen in an area with a high degree of community spread. So those are the things that are crystal clear.”

The same hazardous recipe that international epidemiologists warn against appears to be brewing in the national capital a little over a month after bars and pubs re-opened in the city.

Remember, when Delhi resurrected its nightlife amidst the raging pandemic, authorities issued standard operating procedures, which prohibited serving standing customers and packing the facilities more their 50 per cent of their approved seating capacity.


At Barsoom and The Record Room in Hauz Khas Village and at MNKY Houz in Nehru Place, an India Today investigation discovered crowds easing up in close proximity, without facial protection.

For bar operators though, it’s business as before.

“Don’t the police bother you?” the reporter asked a Barsoom manager.

“You can see it happening right in front of you,” replied Guru, the manager of the facility that re-opened on October 3.


“But not even a single customer is wearing a mask inside. That’s what I am scared of,” the journalist probed.

“Do you think there’s corona?” Guru scoffed. “Somebody in my relation contracted it and recovered. It’s not that scary. It’s not what it really is. It’s just been exaggerated.”

The Record Room, another nightclub in the vicinity, was found to chock-full this weekend.

The owner admitted that’s how it is there every Saturday.

“Sir, you just don’t worry about it,” Saurabh said when asked if there could be a police raid.


In an email response to India Today later, The Record Room claimed it was doing the best it could to follow Covid guidelines.

“Bars are not able to meet daily expenses. We are no different,” the facility wrote. “From our side, we have been doing our best to follow the rules set by the government under the Covid time. We have put a foosball table on the dance floor to avoid people standing there.”

At MNKY Houz in Nehru Place, a display sign read no more than 85 guests could be allowed in.

But the facility bustled with patrons inside, their guard down in the pre-dawn hours on Monday.

When India Today’s investigative journalist, posing as a party-thrower, probed the staff on duty, she offered to host even a bigger gathering.

“The crowd is more than 100 right now,” the journalist told Dolly, the staff member.

“We have 99 people so far, in and out,” she replied.


Asked about hosting a party for 150 guests, Dolly quoted Rs 5,000 a person for the proposed event.

“It would be Rs 5,000 a person for that package in which we serve food, snacks, alcohol, soft drinks. Sheesha will be separate,” she offered.

“Sheesha meaning?” asked the reporter.

“Hookah,” she answered.


Meantime, videos showing dancefloors turning kinetic with uninhibited revellers have also surfaced in Goa.

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Chief Minister Pramod Sawant has directed Goa’s home department to ensure Covid guidelines for unlocking are complied with at all levels.

“I have seen these incidents being reported on social media and have given instructions to the home department to ask all hotel owners and every one to maintain social distancing,” he told India Today.

Last week, a popular club in Hyderabad was sealed off after a video showing packed premises and patrons flouting Covid-19 guidelines went viral.

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