Collection of personal data | Andhra Pradesh government must come clean, demands Pawan Kalyan

Jana Sena Party President Pawan Kalyan. File
| Photo Credit: The Hindu

Continuing his tirade against the collection of personal data by ward and village volunteers, Jana Sena Party president Pawan Kalyan demanded through a message on Twitter that the government should come clean on the issue. 

He questioned ‘who is the boss of the volunteers’, ‘who gives them instructions to collect private data’, ‘is it a private company’ and ‘if so who heads it’. 

Further, Mr. Kalyan sought to know whether it is the government which ordered the data collection, if so on whose instructions (Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, Collectors or MLAs) the volunteers were gathering the data.

It may be noted that Mr. Kalyan kicked up a big controversy during his Varahi Yatra at Eluru on July 9 by alleging that the volunteers were responsible for the disappearance of a large number of women. 

He went to the extent of saying that the volunteers were also involved in human trafficking. Basically, he said the volunteers were resorting to data theft at the behest of the government. 

Taking strong objection to the  comments, the government initiated criminal proceedings against Mr. Kalyan on July 20.

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