BUDA alleged irregularities to be probed

The State government will order a high level inquiry into the alleged irregularities into the allotment of sites by Belagavi Urban Development Authority, Satish Jarkiholi, PWD Minister, said in Belagavi on Wednesday.

He told journalists that the government had received several complaints that BUDA officials had committed grave errors in the allotment of sites in online and offline auctions and allotments.

He said that following the directions of 4th Additional District and Sessions Judge, Belagavi, the Lokayukta police have registered a FIR against Preetam Naslapure, former BUDA Commissioner, and other officials on charges of violation of rules.

Aam Admi Party leader Rajeev Topannavar had approached the court seeking action against Mr Naslapure and others, accusing them of several violations. He submitted copies of a set of documents to the Lokayukta officers. He alleged that the officials had caused a lot of over ₹150 crore to the government due to their actions. The complaint alleged that the officials had violated several rules to allot the best sites to some persons out of turn.

The complaint said that BUDA officials had auctioned some prime residential sites, located at the corner , at throwaway prices by holding manual auction, without transparency.

A team led by Deputy SP Bharat Reddy is looking into the matter.

Mr. Topannanavar said that the officials were paying the price for dancing to the tunes of their political masters.

“These BUDA officials who are facing cases now, have acted on the orders of MLA and BJP leader Abhay Patil. The officers violated rules, as he had instructed them. But now, they will face the inquiry and the MLA will go scot-free. I urge the Lokayukta to investigate into the role of the MLA in these allegations,’‘ he told The Hindu.

“That is why I urge all officials to work for the welfare of the people and not to violate rules, by following arbitrary orders of MLAs,’‘ he said.

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