BJP leaders target Nitish Kumar over video of ambulance being ‘stopped’ for his cavalcade

The BJP has slammed Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar over “VIP culture” in the State after a video clip emerged on social media in which an ambulance carrying a patient was purportedly stopped when his cavalcade was passing through Marine Drive in Patna.

Mr. Kumar, along with Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Prasad Yadav, was inspecting the ongoing work of the proposed extension and beautification of JP Ganga Path, also known as Marine Drive, on Monday. The cavalcade was passing through Gai Ghat when the incident happened.

The ambulance, carrying the patient who was about to be admitted in the emergency ward, was stopped by the side of the road by the traffic police. In the 33-second video, the patient’s relatives were seen crying inside the ambulance.

Sharing the video on X, BJP IT cell head Amit Malviya said, “Look at the insensitivity of Nitish Kumar who is dreaming of becoming the prime minister. They can put someone’s life at stake so that the speed of their convoy does not slow down. On several occasions, Modi ji has stopped his convoy as well as roadshows to give passage to the ambulance and Nitish Babu did not think about the family members crying in the ambulance. This is the truth of the arrogant coalition of corrupt and insensitive people. Shameful.”

Bihar BJP spokesperson Nikhil Anand too reacted to the incident, terming it VIP culture. He also asked him to be sensitive towards the people’s cause.

“Any VIP must be sensitive towards the people’s cause. The aggrieved citizen must be given safe passage and priority. However, the Bihar CM was given safe passage to pass by and an ambulance carrying a serious patient was stopped. It shows the sorry state of affairs, the VIP culture being followed by Nitish Kumar. The police and administration must be sensitive. The Chief Minister can wait and the patient in the ambulance must be taken to the hospital on priority basis. It has become a regular phenomenon in Bihar when traffic is completely stopped and a big drama takes place on the road when any minister and Chief Minister passes through, “ he said.

Andhra Pradesh BJP general secretary Vishnu Vardhan Reddy has also posted the video saying, “Ambulance is stopped, a patient is fighting for life, family members are crying, all because Shahenshah-e-Bihar Nitish Kumar is passing by. Shame!!”

Reacting on the incident, Janata Dal (United) MLC and spokesperson of the party Neeraj Kumar said that law will take its own course.

“Such incident should not happen and I am sure that even Nitish ji was not aware about it. Had Nitish ji known that an ambulance was stopped, he would have surely given priority to the ambulance carrying the patient. He is a very sensitive leader and strict action would be taken against the responsible officers whoever was deputed on duty yesterday at Marine Drive,” he said.

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