Need to take telemedicine to villages: PM – ET HealthWorld

In an interaction with doctors on Monday, PM Narendra Modi drew attention to the importance of telemedicine, how it has played a big role for patients in home isolation and asserted that it needs to be expanded in rural areas as well.

The PM also urged doctors to include oxygen audits in their daily routine.

Modi said the strategy of starting the vaccination programme with frontline workers has paid rich dividends. He said about 90% of health professionals in the country have taken the first dose. During the virtual interaction, the PM also urged doctors to spread awareness about black fungus.

Noting a large number of patients are being treated in ‘home isolation’, he requested monitoring doctors to ensure SOP-driven care. He lauded doctors who form teams and provide telemedicine service in villages. He appealed to doctors to work towards ensuring that all tehsils and districts have a telemedicine service.

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