Mumbai: Metropolis Healthcare Limited announced the launch of a novel testing platform based on Component Resolved Diagnostics (CRD) to support India’s population in diagnosing various forms of allergies. The fourth-generation allergy testing technology uses artificial intelligence (AI) to assist clinicians in making sound clinical decisions and provides great insights into selecting and optimising the course of treatment regarding an individual’s allergic disease.
The test, powered by a nanotechnology-based Multiplex system utilising molecular components can easily detect specific IgE antibodies against 295 different allergens, using a simple blood test and provides results for 158 food allergens, 127 respiratory allergens and 10 contact allergens. For instance, if a patient is allergic to milk, it can predict whether a patient can likely consume boiled or baked milk without danger of clinical reactions, or if he/she needs to completely avoid milk in all forms. It can also predict if immunotherapy, commonly known as allergy vaccines will be effective or not.
Through this molecular component-based allergy diagnostic test, the allergen sensitisation of a patient can be mapped at the protein level, allowing for better identification and characterisation of the specific molecules that trigger the allergic reactions. Knowledge of the allergenic molecules to which the patient is sensitised to can aid in distinguishing between the likelihood of local versus systemic reactions and the persistence of clinical symptoms.
Commenting on the launch of the test, Surendran Chemmenkotil, Chief Executive Officer, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd, said, “The arrival of CRD represents a milestone in the field of allergy diagnosis and it will help doctors to chart out a precise course of treatment for their patients. The launch of this test also aligns with the company’s goal of offering unique and novel tests to patients and customers in the chronic and wellness segments.”
Sharing his insights on the necessity of such tests, Dr Nilesh Shah, President & Chief of Science & Innovation, Metropolis Healthcare Ltd said, “The most important clinical use of Metropolis’ Allergy component testing is its ability to identify the offending allergenic molecule and to distinguish specific molecules from markers of cross-reactivity. This knowledge will greatly benefit doctors, patients, and nutritionists, as it ensures improved correlation with clinical symptoms, thus helping in right selection of patients for immunotherapy. This will enhance immunotherapeutic success by minimising adverse reactions in patients undergoing immunotherapy. We are excited to witness the impact this would have on the Indian healthcare system and look forward to launching many more such novel solutions for a healthier India.”This AI-powered allergy component testing is now available at all Metropolis laboratories, patient collection facilities, and through home collection services across the country.