Delhi: 13.8k seniors take jab, glitches a spoilsport – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: The total number of senior citizens getting Covid shots in Delhi has crossed 29,000 in the first three days. The process improved slightly on Wednesday, but several vaccination centres reported glitches on the Co-win portal, causing delays.

Since the second phase of the vaccination drive has been launched to cover the senior citizens and the 45+ age group people with 20 comorbidities, 13,794 elderly people received the shot on Wednesday, 10,213 the day before and 5,176 on Monday, the day the round was launched. The number of vaccinated people in the 45-59 age group has also increased.

At several centres, vaccination was carried out after manual verification to make the process smooth. The walk-in registration was the worst-hit, said sources, adding that many people who planned to get registered at a vaccine centre had to return disappointed.

An official said the Co-WIN portal reported problems in verification of self-registered beneficiaries and many centres reported that the system often hanged when new registrations were attempted. “Healthcare and frontline workers who were pre-registered did not report issues in verification,” said an official.

For manual verification of registered senior citizens, the centres took copies of their identity cards and registration numbers were noted down in the log. The details will be fed into the system later.

A total of 34,600 individuals were expected to be vaccinated and the total turnout was 74.4% as against 62.3% reported the day before. The number of vaccination centres increased to 346.

According to a government report till 6pm, 25,054 individuals, including senior citizens, healthcare and frontline workers, and all others, were inoculated. Among them, 20,858 people — 13,794 above 60 years, 1,625 between 45 and 59 years of age, and 3,364 frontline and 2,075 healthcare workers—received the first dose, while 4,196 healthcare workers took the second dose. Only four minor adverse events were reported.

In West district, 2,245 senior citizens got the jab, the highest among all districts, followed by 1,869 in South East and 1,856 in South districts. All the districts reported a high jump in the turnout, indicating growing confidence among senior citizens about the vaccines.

In all, 227 individuals in the 45-59 age group got the shot in South district, followed by 211 in West, 188 in North West and 173 in East districts.

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