App to help people with diabetic foot launched – ET HealthWorld

Chennai: The new mobile application launched by the MV hospital for diabetes and Prof M Viswanathan diabetes research centre, Royapuram, will allow people to connect with experts on queries related to diabetic foot and diabetes.

The app, MV DIABET, available on Play Store, was launched by the hospital on Saturday. Chief diabetologist Dr Vijay Vishwanathan said the app is connected to a WhatsApp number and a multi-disciplinary team at the hospital will give an opinion on diabetic foot and diabetes.

Patients with diabetes have some form of nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy, where uncontrolled high blood sugar levels damage the walls of tiny blood vessels that supply the nerves, especially in the legs.

This can lead to symptoms such as loss of sensation and means patients feel little pain, so scratches can go unnoticed and become infected, he said on the sidelines of the 37th Prof M Viswanathan DRC Gold Medal Oration.

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