India on Thursday reported 52,123 new Covid positive cases, taking the total to 15,83,792 cases.
The state over the last 24 hours suffered 68 covid deaths, which takes the total death toll to 1,281 so far. AP reported 4,618 persons recovered over the last 24 hours to take the total recovered so far to 60,024 persons while it saw 69,252 active cases by Thursday.
AP tested 70,068 samples over the last 24 hours, the highest single-day tests, that take the total to 18,90,077 tests thus far, the fourth-highest in India after Tamil Nadu (25,36,660), Uttar Pradesh (21,20,843) and Maharashtra (20,21,437).
Over the past 24 hours, three districts of East Godavari (1,441), Kurnool (1,252) and Visakhapatnam (1,223) reported new cases in four-digits, while the rest 10 districts recorded new Covid positive cases in three-digits.
Andhra Pradesh has reported 35,395 tests per million population as against the national average of 13,115 tests, with a positivity rate of 6.91% as against the national average of 8.71%.
AP reported a recovery rate of 45.98%, the third-lowest recovery rate in India after Karnataka (38.13%) and Jharkhand (41.05%) as against the national average recovery rate of 64.44%. The state also saw a mortality rate of 0.98% as against the national average of 2.21%.