Administration forcing independent candidates who won the DDC polls to join a particular party, PAGD alleges

SRINAGAR: The People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) alleged on Thursday that the administration was interfering in democracy by forcing some of the independent candidates who have won the recent district development council (DDC) elections to join a particular political party.

Leaders of the PAGD held their first meeting in Srinagar since the declaration of results of the DDC polls and demanded immediate release of recent political detainees and restoration of 4G mobile internet. The alliance won 110 seats out of the total 280 seats in the DDC polls. Congress, which had entered into a limited seat-sharing arrangement with PAGD, won 26 seats while 51 seats went to independent candidates.

BJP emerged as the single largest party by winning 75 seats. The independent candidates are now being lured by the political parties to join them.

“I will say there are some disturbing reports coming about interference in democracy in people’s verdict wherein the government of the day is acting in the partisan manner… to attract the independent candidates by confining them. I think they should desist from this and not humiliate this great verdict of people of J&K,” said PAGD spokesman Sajad Lone.

The PAGD leaders met at the residence of the grouping’s president, Farooq Abdullah, on Gupkar road.

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