The results of the serosurvey of the adult population of Chandigarh reveals that 79.4 per cent of the adult population (urban, rural and rehabilitation colonies) has the IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in their bodies. The survey was carried out by the Department of Biochemistry. Ninety one (68.8 per cent) participants, out of 132 that were tested for the survey, have tested positive for the presence of IgG antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. Sero prevalence has been found to be 83 and 79.8 per cent respectively for eight clusters from urban sectors and five clusters in the colonies that have been tested so far.
The seropositivity shows that the antibodies against SARS-Co have developed on its own or say naturally following COVID infection or post vaccination. Seropositivity was found more in the urban areas compared to rural ones.
Dr Jasbinder Kaur, Director Principal, GMCH-32 and Head (Department of Biochemistry) said that the final results would provide us with more accurate analysis of the true intensity of SARS-CoV-2 sero-prevalence amongst the adult population in Chandigarh. This would further help us understand the prevalence of disease and the immune response it produces against vaccination. The final results will also enable the health authorities to plan out better strategies in advance to prevent and control of the disease.
The final testing has been done and work of sample collection is also completed. It (serosurvey) is team work where four investigators, technicians, doctors worked hard for months and faced challenges as well. And it wasn’t easy with people being apprehensive about the work and shutting the door to their faces as they saw the team. But the team, however, made it work and ensured that all samples were collected in about a month, says Dr Kaur.
We cannot be callous: Dr Kaur on covid third wave
While the results of the serosurvey does reveal that herd immunity could have been achieved, Dr Kaur stated that it is too early to say anything about the COVID third wave. The virus is way too unpredictable and new mutations are very much possible. So, the best would be for all of us right now to take COVID appropriate behavior very seriously. Also, get inoculated against COVID-19 as soon as possible. The results give us hope indeed but we cannot be callous, she concluded.
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