Which classics did The New York Times Book Review pan? Which well-known authors sent letters to Book Review editors to register their grievances? And how much do you know about the section’s storied history?
On Oct. 25, join us in a virtual Times subscriber event to find out.
This event, part of the Book Review’s yearlong exploration of its 125th anniversary, will begin with a dive into the archives. Actor Daniel Dae Kim and other special guests will bring to life our original reviews of beloved books, including some we deemed failures upon publication.
We love a peevish letter to the editor, so Tina Jordan, deputy editor of the Book Review, and her colleagues will share some of their favorite letters to the Book Review selected from decades of submissions: complaints both petty and shocking, grievances from literary luminaries and more. We’ll also share some reader nominations for the best book published in the last 125 years; you can submit your nomination here through the end of October.
Finally, we’ll conclude with a heated round of Book Review trivia, where you can test your literary know-how against that of other book lovers.