Daily Quiz | On July 5 events
This is the currency of Venezuela, which celebrates its Independence Day on July 5.
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On this date in 1686, which path-breaking book written in Latin by a science genius was authorised by the noted diarist Samuel Pepys who was the then president of the Royal Society?
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Which country in the Maghreb region of North Africa got its Independence from Spain on July 5 in 1962.
3 / 6 |
Which legendary crooner’s debut single ‘That’s All Right’ was recorded on July 5, 1954?
4 / 6 |
Who created history and how by winning the Gentleman’s Singles title at Wimbledon on this date 49 years ago?
5 / 6 |
What type of animal was Dolly that achieved the distinction of being the first mammal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell?
6 / 6 |
Name the online giant, which was initially supposed to be names ‘Cadabara’ and ‘Relentless’, was founded on July 5?