How could either of these people be nominated for such an illustrious prize? They totally don’t deserve it!
Here’s the thing: Being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize is a LOT different than actually winning it. Mostly because a whole lot of people can nominate you to be in the running.
“These nominations will be submitted by members of national assemblies, governments, and international courts of law; university chancellors, professors of social science, history, philosophy, law and theology; leaders of peace research institutes and institutes of foreign affairs; previous Nobel Peace Prize Laureates; board members of organizations that have received the Nobel Peace Prize; present and past members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; and former advisers of the Norwegian Nobel Institute.”
Other nominees include the “Black Lives Matter” movement, climate activist Greta Thunberg and Russian activist Alexey Navalny. And, if past is prologue, that list will grow waaaaaay longer before the actual prize is given out in October.
The Point: Save your outrage until Kushner or Abrams actually wins. Which is very unlikely.