Government saves Rs 6000 crore or 50% of funds allocated for skilling scheme


Government has saved nearly Rs 6000 crore or 50% of the funds allocated for its flagship skilling scheme. This is despite achieving 93% of the target of skilling one crore youth in four years under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana scheme. The catch here is that the government undertook certification of the existing workforce in … Read more

HCL to double workforce in smaller towns; allow staff in larger cities to move back to hometowns


NEW DELHI: HCL Technologies is planning to double its headcount in its centres in smaller towns such as Lucknow, Nagpur, Madurai and Vijayawada over the next two-three years, a top official of the company said. These centres already have close to 10,000 people and chief executive C Vijayakumar told ET in a recent interview that … Read more