‘No time to waste’ in vaccinating 16-17 year olds

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Children aged 16-17 should be vaccinated “as fast as practically possible”, England’s deputy chief medical officer has said. All 16 and 17-year-olds in the UK will start being offered a first dose of the Covid vaccine within weeks, after a recommendation from vaccine experts. “Children are going to start going back to colleges and sixth … Read more

Sustainability and Your Health

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SOURCES: Steven Cohen, PhD, senior vice dean, School of Professional Studies, Columbia University, New York City; director, Research Program on Sustainability Policy and Management, The Earth Institute, New York City. United Nations: “Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages,” “The 17 Goals.” Adrienne L. Hollis, PhD, senior climate justice … Read more

This company makes food packaging out of bamboo to cut down on trash

This company makes food packaging out of bamboo to cut down on trash

To tackle Thailand’s mounting trash problem, one company is turning to the country’s plant life. Universal Biopack makes packaging that it sells to restaurants and manufacturers. But rather than plastic, it uses a mixture of bamboo and cassava, crops that are widely found across the country. After growing rapidly in recent decades, Thailand has become … Read more