With AI, Indian doctors solve mystery of premature births – ET HealthWorld

With AI, Indian doctors solve mystery of premature births – ET HealthWorld

Mumbai: An AI-based genetic study by local scientists could help reduce preterm births, a leading cause for infant deaths and disabilities. Preterm, or early birth, affects the growth and development of organs such as the brain, heart, lungs and liver. A premature baby is more likely than a full-term baby to have issues with breathing, … Read more

Drug Could Be Non-Antibiotic Alternative to Treat UTIs

Drug Could Be Non-Antibiotic Alternative to Treat UTIs

FRIDAY, March 11, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Women plagued by frequent urinary tract infections often take daily antibiotics to ward them off. But an old antibiotic alternative might work just as well, a new clinical trial finds. Researchers found that the medication, called methenamine, was comparable to standard, low-dose antibiotics in preventing women’s recurrent urinary … Read more