Breaking the Scaling Limits: New Ultralow-noise Superconducting Camera for Exoplanet Searches – NASA Science

Breaking the Scaling Limits: New Ultralow-noise Superconducting Camera for Exoplanet Searches – NASA Science

When imaging faint objects such as distant stars or exoplanets, capturing every last bit of light is crucial to get the most out of a scientific mission. These cameras must be extremely low-noise, and be able to detect the smallest quantities of light—single photons.  Superconducting cameras excel in both of these criteria, but have historically … Read more

New NASA Black Hole Visualization Takes Viewers Beyond the Brink – NASA Science

New NASA Black Hole Visualization Takes Viewers Beyond the Brink – NASA Science

“People often ask about this, and simulating these difficult-to-imagine processes helps me connect the mathematics of relativity to actual consequences in the real universe,” said Jeremy Schnittman, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, who created the visualizations. “So I simulated two different scenarios, one where a camera — a stand-in … Read more

Hubble Views a Galaxy with a Voracious Black Hole – NASA Science

Hubble Views a Galaxy with a Voracious Black Hole – NASA Science

Located in the Virgo constellation, NGC 4951 is located roughly 50 million light-years away from Earth. It’s classified as a Seyfert galaxy, which means that it’s an extremely energetic type of galaxy with an active galactic nucleus (AGN). However, Seyfert galaxies are unique from other sorts of AGNs because the galaxy itself can still be … Read more

Hubble Hunts Visible Light Sources of X-Rays – NASA Science

Hubble Hunts Visible Light Sources of X-Rays – NASA Science

The image is from an observation program dedicated to the study of dwarf galaxies in the Virgo cluster that is searching for the visible light emissions from sources of X-rays in these galaxies. X-rays are often emitted by accretion discs, where material that is drawn into a compact object by gravity crashes together and forms … Read more

NASA/JAXA’s XRISM Mission Captures Unmatched Data With Just 36 Pixels – NASA Science

NASA/JAXA’s XRISM Mission Captures Unmatched Data With Just 36 Pixels – NASA Science

XRISM is a collaborative mission between JAXA and NASA, with contributions from over 70 institutions in Japan, the U.S., Canada, and Europe. NASA Goddard developed the Resolve detector and many of the instrument subsystems, together with the two X-ray Mirror Assemblies. Goddard is also responsible for the Science Data Center, which developed analysis software and … Read more

Hubble Spots a Magnificent Barred Galaxy – NASA Science

Hubble Spots a Magnificent Barred Galaxy – NASA Science

The magnificent central bar of NGC 2217 (also known as AM 0619-271) shines bright in the constellation of Canis Major (The Greater Dog), in this image taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. Roughly 65 million light-years from Earth, this barred spiral galaxy is a similar size to our Milky Way at 100,000 light-years across. Many stars are concentrated in … Read more

Explore the Universe with the First E-Book from NASA’s Fermi – NASA Science

Explore the Universe with the First E-Book from NASA’s Fermi – NASA Science

Because dark matter doesn’t reflect, absorb, or emit light, scientists remain unsure of its composition. One popular theory suggests, though, that dark matter particles create gamma rays when they interact. If Fermi can spot this high-energy signature, it might help scientists learn more about dark matter’s makeup. Source link

Hubble Celebrates 34th Anniversary with a Look at the Little Dumbbell Nebula – NASA Science

Hubble Celebrates 34th Anniversary with a Look at the Little Dumbbell Nebula – NASA Science

The Hubble Space Telescope has been operating for over three decades and continues to make ground-breaking discoveries that shape our fundamental understanding of the universe. Hubble is a project of international cooperation between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency). NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, manages the telescope and mission operations. Lockheed Martin … Read more

Hubble Captures a Bright Galactic and Stellar Duo – NASA Science

Hubble Captures a Bright Galactic and Stellar Duo – NASA Science

This image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope features NGC 3783, a bright barred spiral galaxy about 130 million light-years from Earth that also lends its name to the eponymous NGC 3783 galaxy group. Like galaxy clusters, galaxy groups are aggregates of gravitationally bound galaxies. Galaxy groups, however, are less massive and contain fewer members than galaxy clusters … Read more

Astronauts To Patch Up NASA’s NICER Telescope

Astronauts To Patch Up NASA’s NICER Telescope

6 min read NASA’s Near Space Network Enables PACE Climate Mission to ‘Phone Home’ The PACE (Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem) mission has delivered its first operational data back to researchers, a feat made possible in part by innovative, data-storing technology from NASA’s Near Space Network, which introduced two key enhancements for PACE and other … Read more