Activities of North America based Khalistani groups must be probed: Hudson Institute


Leading US based think-tank Hudson Institute in a recent report has alleged that various Pak-backed Kashmiri and Khalistani terror groups are active in America and called for investigating activities of Khalistani groups in North America as per law. Hudson Institute’s South and Central Asia Program recently assembled a group of South Asia experts to evaluate … Read more

United Nations Security Council to meet on Monday to discuss Afghan situation


With Kabul falling into the hands of the Taliban, the UN Security Council under India’s current Presidency will hold an emergency meeting on the situation in Afghanistan on Monday, the second time in just over a week. The longstanding war in Afghanistan reached a watershed moment on Sunday when the Taliban insurgents closed in on … Read more

Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Israel trade cross-border fire amid Iran tensions


The Iranian-backed Lebanese group Hezbollah fired barrages of rockets towards Israeli forces on Friday, drawing retaliatory fire from Israel into south Lebanon, in a third day of cross-border salvoes amid wider regional tensions with Iran. Suggesting its attack was calibrated to avoid further escalation, Hezbollah said it had targeted open ground near Israeli forces in … Read more

Pakistan establishes anti-money laundering and terror financing cell to exit FATF’s grey list


Pakistan’s anti-corruption watchdog has established an anti-money laundering and terror financing cell to check financial crimes and illegal transfer of resources as the country struggled to exit from the FATF‘s grey list. The Paris-based Financial Action Task Force (FATF) placed Pakistan on the grey list in June 2018 and asked Islamabad to implement a plan … Read more

Huthis advance on Yemen’s Marib after seizing mountain


Yemen’s Iran-backed Huthi rebels have made major advances on Marib city after seizing a strategic mountain in clashes that caused dozens of casualties on both sides, government sources said Friday. The Huthis and the internationally recognised government have been locked in a power struggle since 2014, when the rebels seized control of the Yemeni capital … Read more

Vaccine Maitri Diplomacy: India fulfils its promise to the world, supplies vaccines across the globe

covid 19 vaccine diplomacy

India has also provided medical assistance to that country and there is an Air Bubble Arrangement between the two. (Photo source: ANI) Over the next few days, India is planning to give more vaccines to countries across the globe. Oman will get one lakh, CARICOM countries will receive 5 lakh, and Central American nation Nicaragua … Read more

India begins its two-year tenure as non-permanent member of UNSC


India, which has been at the forefront of the years-long efforts to reform the UN Security Council, on Friday began its two-year tenure as a non-permanent member of the powerful organ of the world body. India will sit in the 15-nation United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2021-22 term as a non-permanent member – … Read more

France backed by UNSC members block Pak efforts to designate Indians under 1267 sanctions committee


NEW DELHI: France backed USA, UK, Germany and Belgium on Wednesday blocked Pakistani efforts to designate two Indian nationals, under 1267 sanctions committee of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Pakistan had initiated a move in the UNSC with China’s support to designate four Indians as terror operatives. Earlier Sino-Pakistani efforts failed to designate two … Read more

Nepal’s PM telephones Modi to improve ties that hit low following his decision to alter map


Months after his decision to alter map of Nepal to include Indian territories impacted ties, Nepalese PM K. P. Sharma Oli on Saturday telephoned PM Narendra Modi to extend greetings on the occasion of its 74th Independence Day, and also conveyed congratulations for India’s recent election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. … Read more

United Nations Security Council rejects US proposal to extend arms embargo on Iran


UNITED NATIONS: The UN Security Council has overwhelmingly rejected a US resolution to indefinitely extend an arms embargo on Iran, prompting an angry Trump Administration to threaten that it could initiate a “snapback” to reimpose all UN sanctions on Tehran. The US only received support for the proposal from the Dominican Republic in the 15-member … Read more