All cases of organ transplants, whether from living or deceased donor, to be given unique NOTTO-ID

All cases of organ transplants, whether from living or deceased donor, to be given unique NOTTO-ID

Photo used for illustration purpose only. All cases of organ transplants, whether from a living or deceased donor, will be allocated a unique National Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO)-ID for both the donor and the recipient. It must be generated by the hospital from the NOTTO website ( The Union Health Ministry has issued … Read more

India needs more organ donations as only 0.01% Indians have given consent to donate their organs after death

India needs more organ donations as only 0.01% Indians have given consent to donate their organs after death

About 0.5 million people in India die every year from causes that could have been prevented by organ transplants that were not available to them. By Raghav Khanna, Amit Bhartia and Yateen Chodnekar India needs more organ donations as only 0.01% Indians have given consent to donate their organs after their death. Despite the government … Read more