Wealth tax: IMF’s Gita Gopinath flags wealth tax concerns, says better implementation of capital income taxes needed

Wealth tax: IMF’s Gita Gopinath flags wealth tax concerns, says better implementation of capital income taxes needed

International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) first deputy managing director Gita Gopinath said that the global body prefers a progressive tax structure. In an interview, Gopinath, who is in India, said there should be better implementation of what’s there in terms of capital income taxes, property taxes can be encoded into the tax system properly. “With wealth … Read more

Excerpts | The battle continues: ‘A Brief History of Equality’ by Thomas Piketty

Excerpts | The battle continues: ‘A Brief History of Equality’ by Thomas Piketty

The battle for equality will continue in the twenty-first century, basing itself chiefly on the memory of past struggles. If a historical movement toward more social, economic, and political equality has been possible over the last two centuries, that is above all thanks to a series of revolts, revolutions, and political movements of great scope. … Read more