J&K: Terrorists hurl grenade at security forces in Tral; 1 jawan injured

Terrorists on Sunday hurled a grenade at security forces in the main town Tral area of Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir. Terrorists on Sunday hurled a grenade at security forces in the main town Tral area of Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir. One jawan has been injured. (More details awaited) Source link

Pak continues to push terrorists, arms across LoC, Army effectively thwarting attempts: Gen Naravane

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Indian Army chief Gen MM Naravane on Thursday said that India has thwarted Pakistan’s multiple attempts to push terrorists and arms across the Line of Control. Security forces standing guard during an encounter with terrorists in Jammu and Kashmir (File photo from PTI) Indian Army Chief Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane on Thursday said the Pakistan … Read more

Army foils Pakistani terrorists’ bid to smuggle weapons through Kashmir, recovers rifles, ammunition

army infiltration

Indian Army has thwarted an attempt by Pakistani terrorists supported by the Pak Army to smuggle weapons through Keran Sector of northern Kashmir. Pakistan’s continued support to terrorism comes even as the global terror watchdog Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is scheduled to hold a meeting this month. A huge cache of arms and ammunition … Read more

Terrorists attack CRPF patrol party in J&K’s Pulwama, 5 jawans injured

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At least five CRPF personnel were injured after a group of terrorists attacked a CRPF patrolling party in Pulwama of Jammu and Kashmir on Monday. Terrorist fired upon a CRPF patrol party in Pulwama (Photo: Mohd Iqbal/India Today) At least five CRPF jawans were injured after a group of terrorists attacked a road opening party … Read more