Education loan vs Savings Fund: How to arrange funds for child’s higher education? Expert shares tips

Education loan vs Savings Fund: How to arrange funds for child’s higher education? Expert shares tips

The increasing costs associated with children’s education have become a significant factor for many families when considering funding options. In the realm of funding higher education, individuals often face the decision between utilising parental savings or obtaining an educational loan. Opting for personal savings can alleviate the concern of repayment but may entail depleting the … Read more

Test-Taking Tips (for Teens)

Test-Taking Tips (for Teens)

Larger text size Large text size Regular text size Do you sweat, chew your pencil, and feel butterflies in your stomach as your teacher hands out a test? A lot of people (adults included) get freaked out when it’s time to take a test. It’s natural to feel some stress about taking tests. In fact, … Read more

Studies find new computational tools help in better epilepsy surgery results – ET HealthWorld

Studies find new computational tools help in better epilepsy surgery results – ET HealthWorld

Kochi: A Kerala-based hospital has developed and implemented new computational tools which can accurately identify the “epileptic focus”, the accurate identification of which is a major challenge in epilepsy surgery. The Centre for Epilepsy at Amrita Hospital here conducted multiple studies between the years 2015 and 2019 in around 100 difficult-to-treat epilepsy patients in this … Read more

Noted linguist, pioneer of cultural studies in Kerala, Dr. Scaria Zacharia no more

Noted linguist, pioneer of cultural studies in Kerala, Dr. Scaria Zacharia no more

Dr. Zacharia was known for his part in recovering and compiling the Thalassery Manuscripts — Hermann Gundert’s research materials from his two-decade stay in Thalassery during nineteenth century Dr. Zacharia was known for his part in recovering and compiling the Thalassery Manuscripts — Hermann Gundert’s research materials from his two-decade stay in Thalassery during nineteenth … Read more

Why long car journeys are so excruciating for your kids

Why long car journeys are so excruciating for your kids

Parents often say: “If I had a pound for every time I heard ‘are we nearly there yet?’, I’d be rich.” Having three young children myself, I know only too well the feeling of dread when, 30 minutes into a five-hour drive, the interrogation begins. In our family, it starts quite politely. “Mummy, are we … Read more

Homeopathy: Do ‘Cherry-Picked?’ Studies Exaggerate Benefits?

Homeopathy: Do ‘Cherry-Picked?’ Studies Exaggerate Benefits?

Traditional medicine practitioners often decry the use of anecdote over consistent evidence-based medicine to support homeopathic remedies. Still, an estimated 6 million Americans, or about 2% of the population, regularly uses homeopathic treatments. Source link

Vaccination Reduces Chance of Getting Long COVID, Studies Say

Vaccination Reduces Chance of Getting Long COVID, Studies Say

Feb. 16, 2022 Vaccination against COVID-19 reduces the risk of developing long COVID and improves long COVID symptoms among those who were unvaccinated when infected, according to a new comprehensive review by the U.K. Health Security Agency. The review includes data from 15 U.K. and international studies, with seven studies examining whether COVID-19 vaccination before … Read more