In landmark development, umbilical cord blood cures woman of HIV

In landmark development, umbilical cord blood cures woman of HIV

Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV attacks the immune system by destroying CD4 immune cells that help it respond to the infection. A US patient has become the first-ever woman — the third person in the world — to be cured of HIV, the AIDS-causing deadly virus. The New York Times reported that the woman, who was diagnosed … Read more

Can a Stem Cell Transplant Help With MS?

Can a Stem Cell Transplant Help With MS?

In 2000, just 4 years after being diagnosed with an early, aggressive form of multiple sclerosis, Jennifer Molson started having relapses. Switching to a new, higher-dose medication provided no relief. “In 2001, I stopped working,” she recalls. “My partner [now husband], Aaron, was bathing me, dressing me, cutting up all my food. I had … Read more