Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust

Why the BBC is spending a day in hospital at Royal Free London NHS trust

Hugh Pym and Chloe Hayward BBC News BBC Scarcely a day goes by without the NHS being in the news – even more so during the winter. Today, new numbers from NHS England will reveal how the system coped during the peak of winter pressures. We will learn how many patients were stuck on trolleys … Read more

TV, internet, radio, OTT consumption rises for 22% of families despite a 1% dip from previous month: Axis My India Survey

TV, internet, radio, OTT consumption rises for 22% of families despite a 1% dip from previous month: Axis My India Survey

There has been a significant increase in content consumption, per a new survey by Axis My India. Besides, a majority of respondents to the survey indicated that household spending had increased. Overall, Axis My India’s latest India Consumer Sentiment Index (CSI) paints an optimistic picture of consumer spending trends at the dawn of the New … Read more

India’s spending on growth to bring the economy on track leaves little for its vulnerable

India’s spending on growth to bring the economy on track leaves little for its vulnerable

India has vowed to spend almost half-a-trillion dollars to bring the pandemic-ravaged economy back onto a growth path, but that risks leaving vulnerable sections that still need support without immediate help. While Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s administration sees a 26% jump in capital expenditure — money for creating or maintaining assets, including infrastructure — for … Read more

What should the govt do: Get Indians to spend more

What should the govt do: Get Indians to spend more

WHAT KEY MEASURES/ REFORMS SHOULD THE GOVERNMENT UNDERTAKE IN THE FORTHCOMING BUDGET TO SPUR CONSUMER DEMAND?RAJIV SABHARWAL, CEO, Tata Capital We have to ensure that the right support is provided so that all sectors of the economy come back. What is important is to ensure that all the jobs that had gone must be brought … Read more

Mehbooba Mufti released after spending more than a year in detention

Mehbooba Mufti released after spending more than a year in detention

After keeping her in detention for more than a year, the Jammu and Kashmir government has finally decided to release former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti. Mehbooba Mufti was released around 9.45 pm. Confirming this development, Official Spokesperson of the J&K government, Rohit Kansal tweeted, “Ms. Mehbooba … Read more