Nonprofit Addresses Health Equity by Providing Safer Surgeries

Nonprofit Addresses Health Equity by Providing Safer Surgeries

COMMENTARY By Susannah Schaefer, executive vice chair, president, and chief executive officer of Smile Train   As the global health care community considers how to create health care systems that work for everyone – including the most vulnerable among us – a topic that sparks widespread conversation is health equity. Health equity means everyone having … Read more

How My Cleft Palate Prepared Me for Life on Wall Street

How My Cleft Palate Prepared Me for Life on Wall Street

By Dave Liu, as told to WebMD via Smile Train Many would consider being born with a cleft lip and palate a setback that could have negative implications throughout one’s whole life. Looking back now, as a 30-year veteran of the finance and technology industry, I can see clearly that my cleft journey gave me … Read more