Why Generation Now must know Charles Correa

Why Generation Now must know Charles Correa

It was a simple Hornby model train set, and the track formations he could make with it, that sparked Charles Correa’s interest in architecture as a child. This is one of the first things we discover at ‘Conversations with Charles Correa: A Critical Review on Six Decades of Practice’, held last month in Mumbai, when … Read more

Auroville’s new literary platform

Auroville’s new literary platform

The field of culture, literature and enquiry needs to be nurtured, just as Auroville has nurtured the land and made it green,” believes writer and dance choreographer Anuradha Majumdar, one of the festival coordinators of the Auroville Literature Festival, which will be held at this universal township, home to people from over 60 countries. ALSO … Read more